
Enter Tasty Verbage.

Prologue: Hello. Welcome to Tasty Verbage, a chronicle of discrete moments in my life translated into blog-style prose, which is, if you’re not familiar, a cross between language and the incoherent thought processes possessed by the masses. I am a male. 32 years of age. I am Chinese by ethnic background, and American by culture. That means I like to eat my hamburgers with chopsticks. J/K, J/K.
My body resides in Brooklyn, but my heart is in Manhattan. I’m Jersey born, but have been in the NYC since “the college days.” Some people say New Jersey is the armpit of America. I prefer to say that New Jersey is the soul cemetery of America. Although not quite a place where souls are buried, Brooklyn is sufficiently soul crushing. I speak from experience. My soul is being crushed as I type.
Confession: I have a fetish for popping sounds. I have no idea why, I just do. It’s especially potent with bubble wrap. I hear the snap and all I want to do is get off.
Sandy Slang: MAJ, Moses Allah Jesus. MAJ, a multi-theistic alternative to saying Jesus Christ.
Afterthought: I love the way black Brooklyn men scream. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever heard before. You gotta understand, I’ve been around the city block for over a decade now and I’m familiar with many of the city’s cultural quirks and crannies, but the black Brooklyn man, that’s some other shit entirely. Sssso deep, it resonates to my bones.

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